
We create real-talk virtual events that change the way people think about direct selling

There's no getting around it.
The climate of direct
selling has shifted.
As a whole, the industry is being misrepresented, both inside and out — and sharing your business opportunity feels harder than ever.
We align with forward-thinking direct sales leaders who want to equip their teams with more powerful business presentations that shift the narrative and propel growth.

Old Ways
Won't Open
New Doors
We know you and your team are passionate about what you do and why you do it. But here’s a reality check:
Most folks in this industry have a hard time talking to people about it.

That's where we come in.
Picture a really great conversation between YOU and several diverse teammates. The conversations that are filled with real-talk and candid stories that cut to the heart and soul of what you do, and why you do it. It’s where authentic connection happens.
The kind of connection that makes prospective reps say, “She’s a lot like me. Maybe I could do this, too.”
It's The conversation you
wish EVERYONE could hear.
Imagine if it was professionally filmed and edited in a way that tells a watchable story.
Imagine allowing your team members to share that conversation with their network -- broadcasting it as a HD virtual event, all on your own custom platform.
Imagine having all the resources to market the event. No stress on your part, just sit back and let us take the (proven time over time) reins.
That's What We Do!

It's more than just a shareable video or a virtual event.
It's an immersive experience from start to finish.
How does it all work?
Glad you asked.

How do I Pay For This?!"
As a leader, you shouldn’t be responsible for bearing the cost of this entire project alone.
The Us, Unfiltered model allows you to recoup your investment through team ticket sales, similar to the process you probably use with live "in person" events. Essentially, your team members will each pay a small fee to use the materials, the platform, and the broadcast.
These fees go toward covering YOUR initial out-of-pocket cost. Win win.
04. Support

Why Us?
Well, because WE GET IT.
As the ONLY independent media company focusing specifically on this channel, we know what works. And we know how to make it work for YOU.
What makes us better is that at our core, we truly understand the intricacies and needs of the direct sales world. For us, it’s all about disruptive thinking.
Heather Nianouris
Heather Nianouris entered the direct selling industry in 2013 with the hopes of simply making "a little bit extra." She quickly fell in love with the business model and never looked back. Since that time, she's grown and coached a team of thousands across three continents, rising to the top of her company's promotional ladder and becoming one of the nation's most successful network marketers.
Never one to rest on her laurels, Heather perpetually operates with the mindset of "finding a better way," which is how Us, Unfiltered all began. In the industry, Heather is a sought-after convention speaker, trainer, and top company mentor, widely recognized for her innovative thinking and unfiltered, relatable approach to conversation.
Simply put, Jon's a whole lot of things: An internationally-known photographer, videographer, designer, entrepreneur...the list goes on. Let's just call him a REALLY great story maker.
For the past four years, Jon has been passionate about helping direct sellers tell their stories in a way that defies the traditional "rah rah" brand video. He digs deep into the why and the real, and, in doing so, has developed a comprehensive understanding of the industry and its uniqueness.
No videographer understands what you do and how you do it better than Jon.

Collaboration begins with a conversation. Let's connect!
We hope you remember this moment as the one that changed your business.
If you’re reading this, there’s a chance you’re a lot like Us: Dreamers. Disruptors. Forward-thinkers. The trailblazers who believe your team can be a part of the change you want to see in the direct selling industry.
If that sounds like you, we can’t wait to meet you.
We want to lock arms and do things differently. Let’s think outside the box, get a little weird, and create an experience that will change the way your teams share the business opportunity, from start to finish.
The end result? Engagement, empowerment, connection, and growth.
Our mission is bigger than one team, or one company - It's about changing the entire
landscape of the direct selling story - one real conversation at a time.